blackberry smiley code list

blackberry smiley code list
Hey is there a list of all of the smiley codes for BB messenger?
BB messenger smiley codes - BlackBerry.
Here make a list of smiley codes and emoticon codes for Facebook chat. Use these special codes in your chat and send smiley faces to your Facebook friend. Just type
Now Smile with Style with Fancy Smiley! Fancy Smiley enables you to send colored smileys, Generate Fancy Words using Fancy Word Maker and send country flags in BBM

BlackBerry Forum - Hilfebereich Smiley
BlackBerry Messenger Emoticons
Tolle Marken zu super Preisen. Smiley bei BAUR!
blackberry smiley code list
BlackBerry Emoticons List Qualitätsmode von Smiley - Jetzt im OTTO Onlineshop!News: Es müssen die Benachrichtigungen für PNs und Forumbeiträge nochmals aktiviert werden!
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