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With Liabilities Looming, GM And UAW.
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The campaign for Yes on Proposal 2 to protect collective bargaining released a 30-second ad today that demonstrates how collective bargaining helps firefighters do
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Ford-UAW Pact Would Create 2-Tier Pay. Pensionen ab 9.-€Date: Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011. Where: UAW-GM Center for Human Resources (CHR), 200 Walker St., Detroit, Mich. 48207. When: 11 a.m. (Please plan to arrive no later
27.09.2011 · * GM-UAW agree to tackle pension risk issue-letter * Pension issue hurting GM stock, credit rating-letter * Analysts, union dissidents say pension buyouts Ford Pension Contact
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View/download the contract summary. View/download the contract language for hourly production, maintenance and parts workers. View/download the pension and exhibits
One of the legacy costs that GM was not able to reduce in the bailout was pension costs, a whopping $128b obligation as of the end of 2010. And though the plan is
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GM, UAW agree to tackle pension shortfall.